Technology works - it's about the how not the what.

Technology works in education.

We are still, of course, trying to figure out how. This section is dedicated to providing frameworks, ideas, strategies, and success stories to use technology to strengthen, deepen, and broaden our learning.

This is a small article I've written summarizing my view about educational technology. I encourage you to check it out and comment as you see fit.

Another substantiative treatment of AI in education
Exciting changes in IB computer science
How do we understand transformation & SAMR?
Pain Value Analysis & Problem Analysis
Technology, learning and choice…
Social Media and PLN’s: a lot of a little
Goals for this upcoming year
Don’t use excel for important work
From the BBC: Computers can impact on children’s ability to learn, says union
Interesting article and online discussion about “teaching computers”
PD, ed-tech conferences and student learning…
Silence is success in IT
ISTE Essential conditions are just…right.
Edtech Conferences - worth it?
Animal dissections should not be computer simulated
Hacking in High School: yes, but….
Membership in Computer Science Teacher Association
Parents, students, teachers and Moodle: who see’s what??
An introduction to SAMR
Technology Integration—Will We Know It When We See It? A New Taxonomy
Just finished Code Academy Intro to PHP
Does everyone need to learn to code?
What does it mean to be accountable?
Digital Learning: a video that gets close to SAMR
ITIL: Services in a K-12 School
Tech Coaching vs Tech Coordination
MOOC’s, learning, and teaching, oh my!
Geeks on the difference between training and learning
ITIL Certified and Management in Schools
ITIL Lifecycle Processes
ITIL in Education
Stack Exchange: better questions and answers
Evaluating Technology Coaches with NETS-C
Cyberbullying Protocol
Getting Geeks Going
Project Management in Education
The Digital Citenzship Opportunity
How do you evaluate technology coaches?
The 10 moms doctrine
Becoming familiar with HTML 5
Differentiated Distraction and blocking?
Quivering Communist Zombie Space Death - Part 1
7 highly effective Facebook habits
Technology Professional Development
Presentation: the SAMR model of integration
Moving from a drop-off model to an integrated model
More tools to combat cyberbullying
The four noble truths. Explained, part four.
The four noble truths. Explained, part three
QUESTION: moving to cloud-based storage
The 2011 Horizon Report released
The four noble truths. Explained, part two.
The four noble truths. Explained, part one.
Interview with scholastic - Play to Learn
Moving an enitre school to dropbox?
disabling private browsing: a pain in the neck
(technical) Oh goodness, I’m using PERL.
Being integrated and meeting technology standards - how?
Parents: friending your kids on facebook?
Parents: here’s a template for technology contract with your kids
The four noble truths of technology and learning
Facebook in class isn’t the problem
That thing about Twitter - I still prefer RSS
Parents: your kids will probably see these movies soon. Beware.
Parent technology partnership is filtering at the router
On Gawker and Passwords
Great Prezi from Nick Kwan on the SAMR model
Online cyberbullying - a real challenge for parents
School websites and information overload
Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction
Great slideshow about searching - a question to Dulcinea, though…
Why Gaikai is important
Middle School Laptops: a heavy burden?
1:1 programs, facebook, and how we teach
On blocking and banning and somesuch
Really? Microsoft? Do you really write such bad code?
How we name our servers, and Apollo
Interviewing for a data manager
It’s quiet
Transitioning to google apps for education
What’s out there? Why I think the future is in web-based services
Just let them do their job
understanding your network
Lazy Credibility?
I’m finished at Hunter
Google apps in three states
Important Online Safety Technology Working Group report
Should Instructional technology specialists be geeks?
repost: worst practices in IT
Poland, here I come!
Why Wikipedia?
Web-based garage band? Yes please.
Is 250 sheets of paper a year enough?
Slashdot:  Looking Back From the 1980s At Computers In Education
Stunning: One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers
Ed Tech and Elementary School
Toolkits and tricks


Bill MacKenty

The difference between good and great is passion and discipline.