Bill MacKenty

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Posted in Personal on 06 - May 2006 at 05:25 PM (18 years ago). 288 views.

I have accepted a position at Hunter College Campus Schools in New York City.  I will be working as an instructional designer, helping teachers effectively use technology in their classrooms. Hunter College campus school teaches intellectually gifted students, grades K through 12. 

I must be quite frank; I do not know how this bodes for my use of games in the classroom.  If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to encourage teachers to use games in their classroom.  If I’m not so lucky, I won’t. I have every intention of continuing my work to use COTS games in the classroom.  In fact, with this population of students I suspect it may be even more interesting. 

Why move? You may ask.  I had a comfortable, secure job on a beautiful island.  My employers afforded every possible freedom to try new teaching techniques, and explore different pedagogies.  My school disctrict is well funded, we were never for want of anything major.

The thing of it is, my career goal is to be a district technology coordinator for a large size educational community.  As much as I love games in education and support the direction the movement is going, I simply cannot ignore the opportunity for living and working in New York City…it’s going to be great for my long term plans.

From May 14th to May 25th I’ll be in Poland getting married, and then the third weekend in June (the 17th) I’ll be moving to the city; during this time I expect my blogging will become quite quiet.

I simply cannot thank the wonderful readers who frequent this blog enough! Your insightful comments and ideas prove consistently wonderful. 

Very warmly yours,

Bill MacKenty, M.Ed.