Bill MacKenty

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Biography of yours truly…

Posted in Personal on 10 - February 2005 at 11:02 PM (19 years ago). 558 views.

A little about me…

I am an instructional designer at Hunter College Campus Schools.  I administrate about 100 OS X laptops for our elementary school, and a high-end graphics and music lab.  I setup and manage a mesh wireless network, and regularly deal with tier 1, 2 and 3 technical issues.  I run and administrate the school website, and write custom PHP to extend the functionality of our site. I recently wrote a building and grounds work order system.  I create and deliver exceptional technology professional development, and constantly look for ways technology can be used to strengthen the instructional process. I also support users in our blackboard environment.  I am the principal implementer for Moodle.  I am a member of building technology task force, and survey and analyze the faculty’s use of technology in their classrooms. I am primary point of contact for a school-wide implementation of smart boards.  I work closely with our programming office, offering assistance from everything to hardware support, to crafting clever SQL queries. 

I tend to lean towards a constructivist educational philosophy. I really don’t like how standardized tests are used in America.

I first realized I was a geek in the 6th grade.  My 6th grade math teacher put me in front of a Texas Instruments 99A and 4 days later I was teaching the class how to program. I took off from there, enjoying a genuine curiosity with technology and computers.  I have used 2400 baud modems, tape drives, and remember when we had to park hard disks.  I absolutely love hacking around in OS X and Linux.

I have worked with kids and helped others my entire life.  I love teaching, and watching a kid “get it” really lights me up.  I am very interested in effective education, educational theory, assessment, and learning.

I deeply believe computers and technology can strengthen, deepen, and broaden our learning. I see my students spending more time evaluating and analyzing information rather than simple memorization and categorization.  I see how my students can really extend their learning with technology.

My interest in computer games began in the heady days of Zork and Infocom, and has continued since. I still enjoy computer games, focusing on text-based multiplayer games (built on the PennMUSH server).  Combining games in education has been a natural and fluid process.  I am committed to “getting it right”,  to use games to create lasting understandings across content areas and disciplines. 

I am married to my wonderful and beautiful wife, Dagmara, and I am still trying to learn Polish.  My full resume can be found here