Bill MacKenty

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Blacklists and you: some information

Posted in News on 13 - June 2006 at 09:55 PM (18 years ago). 515 views.


Here’s the thing.  This blog has been getting an increasing amount of trackback and comment spam.  Everytime I get some I simply add their IP to my blacklist.

However, these spammers are wiley folks, and I’m a bit nervous I may block some friends and interested guests. 

If you find you cannot leave a comment or a trackback, please use the handy contact form. I will be more than happy to un-block you.  You might want to put unblock me in the subject line.

The problem has not reached crisis proportions.  I suppose if it continues I’ll add the blocked IP’s to my .htaccess list.

Thanks and warmly,
