Bill MacKenty

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Blogging and education: a great mix. Part 2

Posted in Blogging Educational Tech on 23 - February 2006 at 08:22 PM (18 years ago). 258 views.

There are many different ways to “get” a blog.  Below are blogs which may be better suited to new users:

Live Journal
Yahoo 360
Word Press

If you have the technical aptitude, feel free to look at some of these fantastic solutions.

Expression Engine
Movable Type

We’ll be using blogger to make a simple blog, highlighting some common elements all blogs share.

Lets start with this movie (10.45MB Quicktime video) which will help you make a blog.  Note even moving slowly, and with one mistake the entire process of making a blog takes under three minutes!!!!.

Now we’ll get into posting to our blog. Please watch this short movie (3.3MB Quicktime video) to understand how easy it is to post to your blog!

In the next series, we’ll talk about securing our blog, comments, and sharing your blog.