Bill MacKenty

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Educational Technology in Public School Districts

Posted in Educational Tech Leadership on 13 - January 2010 at 08:53 PM (15 years ago). 223 views.

What is normal for school technology? Educational Technology in Public School Districts is a difficult-to-read-but-cool-once-you-spend-some-time-looking-at-it sort of thing.

Some comparative data for our school (this is in comparison to districts with enrollment less than 2,500 students)

Type of internet connection

We have a T3, which is shared by 4% of other schools of our size. 83% of schools our size have either a T1 or direct fiber.

Reduntant internet connection

Only 16% of schools have a reduntant connection - we are not in this percentage!

What do we do with older computers

92% of schools our size recycle / dispose old computers - this is exactyl what we do

Technology Resources

83% of schools our size offer server space for for posting their own webpages or class materials
57% of schools our size offer course management and delivery software
46% of schools our size offer remote access to school or district software
30% of schools our size offer email access
85% of schools our size offer electronic storage space
80% of schools our size offer online library access
66% of schools our size offer online access to databases
50% of schools our size opportunities for distance learning

the list goes on and on….interesting for developing an idea about where your school stands in comparison to other schools.