Bill MacKenty

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ITIL: Services in a K-12 School

Posted in Educational Tech Leadership on 27 - December 2013 at 04:41 PM (10 years ago). 282 views.

For external customers (students, families, and prospective families) :

Learning with technology hardware tools
Learning with technology software (and web-based-applications) tools
Learning management service
Information service covering school activities, athletics, and school-life
Information service covering academic progress and progress towards standards
Information service covering school community activities
Interactive admissions services
Interactive re-enrolment services
Interactive enrolment services
Information services for prospective families

For internal customers (teachers, administrators, professional support staff) :

Interactive information service covering student information - including progress towards meeting standards
Information service covering internal school information
Interaction services for calendaring
Customized reporting services
Interactive admissions services
Interactive re-enrolment services
Interactive enrolment services