Bill MacKenty

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Open Source in education

Posted in Educational Tech Teaching Diary on 12 - September 2006 at 07:08 PM (18 years ago). 498 views.


I’m an open source advocate.  I think there is a place for open source in education, and I regularly look for open-source solutions to common server tasks at my school.

I’m an Ubuntu user at home (as a long time OS X guy, I’m loving ubuntu!).

Yesterday, I asked my supervisor about changing our webserver from a windows/IIS environment, to a Linux/apache setup.

She was shaking her head no before I was done with my sentence….the reason? 


And you know what? I totally understand.

I’m very comfortable using and administrating Linux, but in an organization like a school, there has to be layers of support. After all, if I’m sick, or leave, I don’t want to leave the school in a lurch. Still, though, I admit to being a little dissapointed. 

My long-term career goal is to be a district technology coordinator. I will make sure to hire people who are conversant in multiple operating systems, and multiple network configurations. 

After all, as someone Way Smarter Than Me ©, said, “It’s not what you know now that counts, it’s what you are capable of learning as systems change”.  I think that’s a good philosophy.

Update: Looks like we will be putting Open Office on all the computers in our labs! Yahoo!