Bill MacKenty

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Regular Update

Posted in Update on 12 - March 2023 at 09:36 AM (one year ago). 890 views.

The latest curiosities, projects, and workings. This is a semi-regular update of things I am currently working on / learning about / curious about...

  • Laravel - I'm writing a crm-type-app for small business folksThis is really about learning Laravel and that ecosystem.
  • Wargaming for better decision making - I'm finding a group
  • I moved all web stuff to a dedicated web server, sill loving Linode pretty hard
  • Getting sabbatical plans finalized
  • Changed CSS of my site using Edward tufte-inspired CSS. That man is one of my heroes.
  • Grading and marking papers - my students hand-write most of their stuff, and it takes a long time to process this
  • Secret Projects A, B and C
  • Helping mom get organized to move to a new place
  • Desigining a "tank-identification party" with my friends

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

Henry David Thoreau