Bill MacKenty

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Sabbatical learning - part 1

Posted in Blogging on 23 - November 2022 at 06:47 PM (2 years ago). 749 views.

The plan for learning

If a good replacement can be found, I'm approved for sabbatical leave next year. My plan for learning includes: 

  1. Design and construct curriculum to substantially improve student usage of git (a version control system) and the IDE visual studio code
  2. Design and construct curriculum for OOP Python
  3. Design and construct curriculum for advanced Python
  4. Design and construct curriculum using Jupyter notebook
  5. Design and construct curriculum for artificial intelligence / machine learning / advanced topics
  6. Rebuild every learning engagement and assessment in the two year IB computer science course (this is hundreds of learning engagements and 30+ assessments)
  7. Design and construct curriculum for Rust
  8. Design and construct curriculum in node.js, javascript, mongo DB, Linux

I'm already doing some of this stuff, but this sabbatical will help me by granting me the time to invest deeply in learning and reflection. Exciting stuff.