Bill MacKenty

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So many systems to manage….

Posted in Educational Tech Support on 23 - October 2009 at 03:56 AM (15 years ago). 285 views.

I’m filing this under “educational technology - support”

My 3 person department supports (in no particular order)

1. Novell groupwise
2. Destiny Library catalog (textbook)
3. Norton ghost services
4. IIS webserver
5. Apache webserver
6. Antivirus server
7. VOIP server
8. Powerschool server (and dev box)
9. File server for students
10. File server for Elementary school
11. File server for multimedia lab
12. LDAP server (of course)
13. DHCP server
14. OS X server (used for cloning)
15. Print server

... and then there are switches, hubs (yes, we still use them), and other network devices.

ALL of these systems are very important. I’m thinking of all the people who be inconvenienced if even one system went down. Part of managing resources and attending to a school’s technology infrastructure is communicating what you do. I’ve found a periodic review of “systems, processes, and projects” technology is responsible for is helpful.