Bill MacKenty

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Teaching advanced applications

Posted in Educational Tech Teaching Diary on 25 - January 2010 at 03:41 PM (14 years ago). 303 views.

This is a pleasant surprise!

I’m offering an after-school, non-credit bearing class in advanced applications today.  We will start with wiki’s, move onto serious web design, and then finish off with video editing. I expect the class to take about 2 weeks.

I sent out an email to all 10, 11 and 12 grade students - and I am pleasantly surprised to have 15 replies - all of them girls!

I encourage young women to get involved in STEM - and I think this class is a great way to “bridge” girls into computer science and engineering. In my wiki class, I’ll be focusing on templating, which uses variables. I’l keep you posted on how it is going.  In the mean time, I plan on using this lesson plan for today’s class.