Bill MacKenty

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Hspace and Textual 3D space

Posted in Text-based gaming Links on 29 - November 2010 at 05:11 PM (13 years ago) 224 views.

As my 4 regular readers know, I’m a text-based gaming guy. There’s something “pure” about computers, networks, and text based games that appeals to me. I started back in the heady days of infocom, and moved to pennmush.

In the interest of sharing my geek cred, I became interested in Star Trek MUSHes about 5 or 6 years ago - really great coded systems, especially their space systems. You interact with the game (only through text) and fly through 3D space. Imagine Eve online, only textual.

A text-based space system is exactly what it sounds like; a text-based representation of 3 dimensional space. You want a sensor report?  Try this:

—[Sensor Report]——————————————————————————————————————————————
### Type Res Bearing Range   S Heading Speed S Name           Class Flags
—-———-———-———- -———-———-———————————————
  1 Base 100 224 328 0.71981 A   0 0   None F IRS D’Stelam         AbEem
—-———-———-———- -———-———-———————————————
  2 Plan 100 296 309 [0.933] V   0 0   None D Addams IX           A  
  3 Plan 100   0 0   0.00000 F   0 0   None F Marion III           AEe  
      Course: 0.000 0.000             Speed: Stationary      
      Location: Open Space             Velocity: Stationary      
(screen grab from ats: among the stars, which uses A-Space). Trading, combat, role playing, and even skill building are all custom built text-based systems.

My point is these games are totally textual and totally immersive. Really great stuff. Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to play a book - except of course you choose where you want to go, and what you want to do. I’ll be increasing my frequency of text-based gaming, and text based gaming resources.

Interactive Fiction after school program

Posted in Text-based gaming Links on 02 - April 2008 at 04:21 PM (16 years ago) 204 views.

Good text-based gaming links

Posted in Text-based gaming Links on 18 - July 2007 at 04:54 PM (17 years ago) 225 views.

I’m a long time text-based gaming fan.  I fondly remember Zork and I enjoyed many titles from the now-defunct Infocom company.

About 7 or 8 years ago, I discovered multi-player text based games (MUD’s) and I am pleased to report text-based gaming is alive and well. I prefer MUSH’es rather than MUD’s, really just a preference. I’ve included some excellent community sites which I encourage you to visit.

and of course,
(which is probably the most direct descendant from Zork)