Bill MacKenty

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OS X HOWTO : finding recently changed files

Posted in HOWTO os x on 27 - August 2009 at 03:41 PM (15 years ago) 389 views.

Yummy, yummy yummy:

1. open terminal
2. type any of these:

find . -mtime -1 -print
find . -ctime -3
find . -type f -mtime -20

I knew this was possible on OS X, I had forgotten. Thanks to Paul Chiu at 24hourapps for the nice entry. And of course, find’s man’s page.

OS X HOWTO: Saving to a specific folder

Posted in HOWTO os x on 25 - July 2008 at 04:50 AM (16 years ago) 368 views.

OS X HOWTO: Saving to a specific folder (doc)
OS X HOWTO: Saving to a specific folder (pdf)

OS X HOWTO: record a narrative using garage band

Posted in HOWTO os x on 23 - June 2008 at 07:45 PM (16 years ago) 340 views.


OS X HOWTO: introduction to Word

Posted in HOWTO office os x on 05 - June 2006 at 07:38 PM (18 years ago) 303 views.

This short guide will help new users understand Microsoft Word.  This HOWTO is targetted towards new and novice users.

OS X HOWTO: Using iCal

Posted in HOWTO os x on 05 - June 2006 at 07:35 PM (18 years ago) 344 views.

ICal is a really neat calendar / appointment application that comes with OS X.  This how to use iCal PDF will heelp new users manage appointments, alarms, and print calendars.

OS X HOWTO: Introduction to OS X

Posted in HOWTO os x on 05 - June 2006 at 07:33 PM (18 years ago) 335 views.

This introduction to OS X will help new users familiarize themselves with OS X (version 10.4).

OS X HOWTO: backing up using a USB thumb drive

Posted in HOWTO os x on 05 - June 2006 at 07:23 PM (18 years ago) 328 views.

Backing up on USB drive is easy and everyone should be doing it daily.  This small PDF will help OS X users quickly back up their important files onto a usb disk.

OS X HOWTO: use a usb thumb drive

Posted in HOWTO os x on 05 - June 2006 at 07:17 PM (18 years ago) 338 views.

This is a small PDF which provides very basic instruction for using a USB thumb drive.  These instructions are for OS X.

I will be uploading / adding several professional development documents I’ve made over the past few years.  You can find them in the ed-tech section, which has better organization.