Bill MacKenty

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In d&d 4e, can a dwarf throw-assist an elf over a wererat, and as the elf is flying overhead, shoot

Posted in Personal on 14 - April 2009 at 04:31 PM (15 years ago). 319 views.

In d&d 4e, can a 5th level dwarven fighter throw-assist an elf over a wererat, and as the elf is flying overhead, shoot?

I asked this simple question on the d&d forums  (if the forum link becomes dead, you can read a text transcript here).

75 replies later, the answer seems to be yes. As I suspected, people play d&d for different reasons - some are more “simulationist” while others are kind of “cinematic” in their approach to role playing. Read the thread, it’s really a kick.