Bill MacKenty

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It’s quiet

Posted in Educational Tech Design Leadership HOWTO google on 06 - October 2010 at 11:13 AM (14 years ago) 415 views.

Maybe this is what a successful IT transition looks like.

We moved almost 200 users to google apps for education today, October 6th 2010.

We have 30 in-house support people wandering around looking for trouble. We have loads of support and assistance. We've been busy the last month planning, meeting, talking, and acting. And now, the day of the transition - it's quiet. I've personally visited every classroom in our school, been in the business offices, and it's quiet.

We are monitoring every system, and staring at our support inbox. we are absolutely primed to react quickly and decisively to email problems. We've communicated to everyone, many times, about this switch.

I'll be honest, I didn't sleep well the last week, and had some nightmare scenarios floating through my head. Of course, we had a last-minute-almost-kill-the-whole-thing emergency. We were working on the issue until 11:00pm last night (someone in our organization had previously registered our older domain, so we couldn't create an alias to it - we had to delete the old apps, but in order to do that, we had to prove domain ownership, and yadda yadda yadda). Now, however, it's working.

And it's quiet.

Transitioning to google apps for education

Posted in Educational Tech Design Leadership HOWTO google Text-based gaming on 02 - October 2010 at 12:37 PM (14 years ago) 435 views.

In four days, our school will be transitioning to google apps for education. I'm leading this transition, it's my first big organizational change as a director of technology.

When I started as the director of technology here, half the school was using google apps for education (using one domain) and the other half of the school was using Novell Groupwise (using a different domain).

Messages were being forwarded, pop'ed, filtered, and missed. It wasn't a great situation. Moreover, there was no school-wide calendaring solution; again, the result of two different systems.

Usually, when you want to create change in an organization, you really need to get buy-in. You know, all those buzzwords like stakeholders, collaboration, shared-vision, etc. All that stuff is important. If you don't bring people on board when you change, they won't buy it and the change won't work.

However, in this case, we just did it.

I believe the success or failure of this change will hinge on the professional development, training and support our staff receives. The actual technical change is minor (we are simply pointing the old domain MX records to google's MX records - not rocket science).

However for end users, this is a big change. Like any organization, we have a bell-curve of technical ability. Some uber-users, and some people who, well, aren't uber.


1. Setup a gmail moodle course chock full of resources, links, videos, PDFs, FAQ's, etc.

2. Recruited in-house gmail experts (calling them gmail ninjas). Out of 170 end-users, we have 30 people who will be walking around on "switchover day" ready to make a difference, offer assistance, and ask for help.

3. We have already moved all email, contacts, and cabinets from groupwise to gmail. I think this is a key point: users need to know what they don't know before you train them. This way, when training starts, they have a long list of questions.

4. We bought this fantastic video training from boost elearning. I'm no shill, but these guys do a whole lot right. My entire staff has a full year of gmail web-based training. From anywhere. And the courses are designed so users can just learn the part they are interested in; want to make a vacation responder? It's a two-minute video.

5. I met with each faculty and carefully explained WHY we are moving, and what benefits we expect to realize as a result of this switch. I listened carefully to concerns (what happens if the cloud blows up and data ownership). Based on these concerns, we purchased a backup solution for our school - all users have their documents, emails, and calendar data backed up on a third-party server.

6. Setup increased monitoring - monitors with outgoing / incoming status, monitors looking at every device in our organization (thank you Nagios), monitoring for our wireless status. We have a control center where everyone can see everything that is happening on our network.

7. I will be sharing our communication strategy on Monday - who calls who if a user cant access email, regular check-in times through the day. We've also setup a hot-support line with our external ISP. They will be on standby if we need anything.

8. Our in-house support help will be wearing t-shirts on the switchover day. I think it matters to actually see the people who are helping.

I'll keep my finger crossed, and of course look forward to any comments or questions as we move forward.

Google: animated guides for google applications

Posted in HOWTO google on 14 - July 2008 at 04:14 PM (16 years ago) 379 views.

HOWTO: Use google pages

Posted in HOWTO google on 26 - July 2007 at 05:55 PM (17 years ago) 350 views.


Using Google documents

Posted in HOWTO google on 12 - March 2007 at 11:05 PM (17 years ago) 399 views.

This is a small PDF which helps very new users use Google documents.  Google documents is an excellent tool for educators and students - you can edit and save documents online (and access them from anywhere).  You can also invite collaborators to help you edit your work (or have students do some good collaborative writing).


HOWTO: google: sending email from different accounts

Posted in HOWTO google on 15 - September 2006 at 07:02 PM (18 years ago) 343 views.


This PDF is a guide to creating other accounts in gmail.  If you have many email addresses, it can be a pain to check them nay times during the day.

If you have set up forwarding rule (a rule which forwards all your email to google), you can then reply to that email using one of your other addresses.

This is especially handy for sending emails to co-workers, friends, and shopping sites (I always use a generic email for my shopping, and keep a private email for friends).

HOWTO: Google: setting up groups in google (especially for teachers!)

Posted in HOWTO google on 15 - September 2006 at 06:58 PM (18 years ago) 352 views.


This small pdf is a guide especially for teachers to create and manage groups on google. The advantage? you can organize groups into classes (or even parents) and easily fire off one email to a group (for example, an upcoming homework assignment or field trip).

Very handy.